February 25, 2015

Stress and Psoriasis: 28 Ways to Relax the Pain

Studies by the British Association of Dermatologists show that stressful situations change the body, increase inflammation and set off or degrade psoriatic outbreaks. People with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis already have compromised immune systems, so adding stress makes conditions worse.

The following relaxation techniques do more than calm your skin. Activities such as meditation, exercise, deep breathing and visualizations can unknot tense muscles, reduce blood pressure, decrease anger and boost concentration. Here are 28 things to try when you want to send away your psoriasis pain.

1. Meditate for 10 minutes per day. You don't have to sit cross-legged; just close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing.

2. Tense a muscle group for five seconds and then release for 30 seconds. Work from the toes to the neck and head.

3. Listen to soothing music or natural sounds for 30 minutes.

4. Visualize a relaxing setting. What is around you? How do things sound and smell? What can you touch? What can you taste?

5. Put a few drops of lavender oil on a tissue and inhale. Lavender is known as a calming plant in aromatherapy. You can also use essential oil patches, like these:

Lavender oil is calming.

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6. Reconnect with an old friend.

7. Get a massage. Just 60 minutes can lower blood pressure and boost your immune system.

8. Exercise for 20 minutes. Go for a walk, join a yoga class or challenge friends to a basketball game.

9. Drink a cup of green tea flavored with a teaspoon of honey.

10. Spend 15 outdoors in bright light. The sun has the ability to energize, but the UVB rays also benefit people suffering from psoriasis.

11. Dance to your favorite songs for five minutes.

12. Inhale slowly through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth for five minutes.

13. Conduct an in-home body scan. Lie on your back and try to feel any knotted muscles or tense spots. Lift your arm for 10 seconds, and then put it down. Lift your leg for 10 seconds, and then put it down. Pay attention to any aches or pain.

14. Write in a gratitude journal at the end of each day. Keep track of all people and experiences that have had a positive impact on your life.

15. Focus your attention on a small object. Start with one minute and work up to five minutes or longer. Avoid distractions.

16. Practice oak tree meditation. Sit comfortably with your arms at your side. Imagine that your body is a strong oak tree with sturdy roots anchoring your feet to the earth. Your core trunk feels so strong that it can handle any stress.

17. Take a warm bath filled with a cup of sea salt and a cup of baking soda.

18. Eat a mango. The act of peeling can be calming, and the fruit delivers a natural stress relief compound called linalool. Mangoes also play an important role in the psoriasis diet.

19. Squeeze a stress ball.

20. Chew mint gum for a few minutes.

21. Practice low-impact tai chi outdoors or with a group of friends.

22. Take part in rhythmic exercise for 30 minutes. Cycling, rowing and running are great options.

23. Visualize a stressful situation shrinking away. Breathe deeply and picture the person or setting that makes you feel tense. Slowly shrink the image until it can fit in your hand. Continue breathing and shrink the stressful image down to the size of your fingertip. Breathe again and imagine that the image shrinks so much that it disappears.

24. Speak daily affirmations, such as "I cope well during times of stress" or "I deserve to feel good" or "My body and mind are healthy and strong."

25. Count slowly to 10 and then count backwards to one. Repeat as necessary.

26. Massage the area between the thumb and index finger. It's an acupressure point.

27. Smell some citrus. Oranges, lemons and limes carry scents that increase norepinephrine.

28. Snuggle with a pet.

Do not worry about working through these activities like a checklist. Find the actions that work best for you and take advantage of their healing properties. Some people like to dissolve their stress through meditation while others prefer to sweat it away through physical exertion. When you take the time to relax, you'll find that your body and skin benefit too. 

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