February 21, 2015

Psoriasis and Diet: Foods That Fan the Flame

Doctors may be cautious about banishing certain foods, but psoriasis suffers know that diet makes a significant difference in flare ups. Bad foods go in; rashes and blisters pop up. Good foods get eaten; plaques go away. It's not all science, it's common sense. Here are the foods to avoid and foods to consume when you're looking for a psoriasis treatment diet.

Foods to Avoid with Psoriasis

Since psoriasis is connected to the immune system, any food that causes inflammation is a definite no. That means watching out for gluten, dairy, fatty red meats and alcohol.


People who suffer from a gluten sensitivity and psoriasis can feel relief from both with a few changes. Get rid of wheat, rye and barley. The list includes most pastas, breads, crackers, cereals and even beer. Yes, most beer, but you still have options. Dr. Lawrence E. Gibson of the Mayo Clinic warns that eating gluten can make psoriasis outbreaks worse, but removing the culprits can also remove the pain.


Cutting out high-fat dairy foods is a key aspect of an anti-inflammatory diet. Replace the whole milk and full-fat cheeses with low-fat, two-percent or skim dairy. The changes can also benefit your waistline and improve your heart health.

Fatty Red Meats

When consumed in large quantities, beef and lamb are foods to avoid for psoriasis. They can increase inflammation, redness and scaling. Limit the number of times per month you eat red meat, and choose lean cuts instead of fatty steaks. In this situation, psoriasis and diet has another link. Psoriasis sufferers also have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. Cutting out the fat boosts heart health while shutting down flare-ups.


People with psoriasis give alcohol two strikes. First, it dehydrates the body and worsens the flaking. Second, it dilates the blood vessels, so white blood cells come closer to the affected skin. Alcoholic products with gluten, including beer and wheat-based vodka, get three strikes.

Foods That Improve Psoriasis Symptoms

A healthy diet can control your psoriasis and improve your weight. Eat more of the following foods to strengthen your immune system, lower your risk of diabetes and stroke and prevent heart disease. Following the Psoriasis Revolution plan in addition to a healthy diet can reduce and even eliminate psoriatic inflammation.


Fatty fish packed with omega-3s can soothe inflamed skin and improve heart health. Eat salmon, albacore tune, lake trout, herring and mackerel at least two times per week to feel the benefits. While fish oil supplements have their place in a natural diet, they do not seem to help psoriasis patients.

Colorful Fruits and Vegetables

Foods rich in antioxidants, often called rainbow foods due to their range of colors, can protect against the negative signs of psoriasis. Beneficial foods include blueberries, purple grapes, raspberries, strawberries, kale, broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, carrots and squash. They can also reduce risk of cancer.

Vitamin D

While technically not a food by itself, the sunshine vitamin plays an important role in psoriasis health. Increase your vitamin D intake with fresh fish, fortified orange juice and low-fat yogurt. Then get an extra boost with 15 minutes under the sun each day.


Certain herbs are known to help men and women with psoriasis, but the scientific evidence is still inconclusive. The most common helper herbs are turmeric, oregano oil, milk thistle and evening primrose oil. The University of Maryland Medical Center has also seen improvements from avocado oil, forskolin and aloe in the psoriasis diet.

The links between psoriasis and diet still need to be fully explored. Never follow fad diets, and always check with your doctor before making significant changes. Remember, certain foods may interact -- positively or negatively -- with any medications you are taking. Switch to a heart-healthy, anti-inflammatory meal plan and watch those red patches disappear.

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